Katherine continues to deliver her well received informative CALA Anatomy Series which includes theory and extensive practical that you will be able to bring to your Aquafit Class. The objectives of the workshop are: 1) Become familiar with the muscles associated with the Posterior Hip and Posterior Thigh: names, location and joint actions in their role as prime movers. 2) Learn specific CALA Base Movement sequences that activate the main muscles of the Posterior Hip and Posterior Thigh. 3) Practice stretching to elongate the Hamstrings and Gluteus Maximus muscles in both chest-deep and deep water. 4) Adapt exercises and stretches to accommodate participants with common conditions. Sessions 1 thru 5 are now available for Independent Study. Session 6 will be offered on Zoom in May and Session 7 in June 2023. Download registration form https://www.calainc.org/Scheduled_Events/2023/2023-07-30%20Anatomy%20Session%208%20%20Glut%20Max%20&%20Hamstings%20ZOOM%20poster%20Katherine%20input...