Aquafit is for men

Aquafit is not a women's activity

Be creative in your thinking.


1.     Get a number of men of varying ages and abilities together (ex: personal trainers, club staff, life guards) and video a men’s only class.  You could do something more sports oriented such as a Boot Camp or Aqua Kick Box class and/or a general class.  Keep the intensity at a level that demonstrates Aquafitness is a great workout.  Make sure you have permission from everyone in the class to tape the session.  Make sure you advise the group that this video taped class is for marking purposes.  At the end of the class interview some of the men and include their interviews in the video.  During registration have the video playing where people can see it.  If you have a web site, have the video available on line along with the interviews.


2.     Invite the running team to the pool and video tape or just conduct a class.  Demonstrate the value of water running as a cross training tool for the running team.  Implant the idea they could do the Water Running during rehab or bad weather.


3.     Do number 2 for other sports teams at your facility or invite neighbourhood or school teams to participate in a class.


4.     Hold a singles/couples/family/father son/father daughter class with a gathering/function after the class.


5.     Hold a baseball game and follow the game with an Aquafit Class.  Maybe the game could be men vs. women or mixed teams.


6.     Contact corporations and arrange an Aquafit class as part of their Wellness Orientation Program.


7.     Arrive early and start talking to the men who swim before your class.  Extend them an invitation to join the class.  If you ask enough times, you might just get them to say yes.  Maybe get some young ladies to invite the men.  Whatever works.  A little personal attention goes a long way.  Consider inviting the men who arrive early for their swim. Rather than waiting on deck for the class to finish, they could join the class. 


8.     Create a men's only class.  Maybe some men don't want to be caught doing Aquafit.  Once they understand how challenging the classes can be, they may join the regular classes.


9.     Sometimes the timing of the class doesn't work.  Classes at 9:30 am are usually filled with nonworking and retired ladies.  The young men have gone to work.  Maybe a 7:00am class is what you need.  Maybe joining a class of their age group is the answer.


10.  Introduce Aqua Personal training - and gradually convince the person to do join an Aquafit class.


11.  Find articles that show elite males participating in Aquafitness.  (ex: Canadian football, triathlons, soccer teams)


12.  Create a program of multiple different classes that rotate - this way each time they come it isn't the same old thing.  Suggestions might be: 

Week 1  Aqua KickBox

*       Week 2  Triathlon

*       Week 3  Cycling  (may be great during the Tour De France)

*       Week 4  Upper Body concentration

*       Week 5  Abs and Lower Body

*       Week 6  General Class

*       Week 7  Water Running

*       Week 8  Deep water only

*       Week 9  Shallow only

*       Week 10  Sports Drills

*       Week 11  Crazy T-shirt and hat class - use some wild music - and have give aways

*       Week 12  Liquid weight room


Ask them which type of class they preferred and introduce a regular time for that type of class.

Ask if they have other ideas for a class such as:  preparing for golf


Create orientation classes - the men may not want to join a class because they don't know the routine/movements.  Get them up to speed first so they feel confident.  Get them use to the flotation belt before attempting a class.  Don't want to discourage them the first class.  Sometimes in the first deep class, they spend more time fighting with the belt then exercising.  Make sure they know the right belt or belts to wear to be at the correct level.  No fun if you are a sinker and spend the whole class trying to keep you head above the water.


14.  Once you get the men - introduce a class that concentrates on core and balance.  Help improve their posture and coordination.


15.  Get more male Aquafit instructors at your location.  Maybe you could hold a CALA course for all the Male lifeguards and other fitness male instructors.  They may consider certification if the class is oriented towards males.



16.  We know men like to challenge each other so if you had 6 active men in the class, the water may be a bit too turbulent for the other participants.  This is one reason a male only class is great.  They can all go crazy and not bother anyone.


17.  Use music that men might relate to.  They may prefer more current music rather than oldies.


18.  Hold a marathon Aquafit Class to raise money for a specific organization.  Encourage everyone to participate.




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